6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 may |
24 hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - 9am to 1pm
1540€ + IVA
This program distinguishes itself from others in the market due to the investigation of a case study especially desgined for the course, which represents a complex situation regarding family and the family business structure.
This program is anchored on a "know-how" and "learning by doing" perspective - in the end, the participants will have all the tools that allow them to improve their business' performances, making them more competitive, as well as to understand the interaction between business and family at a deeper level.
Besides having access to coffee-breaks, the participants may interact with a valuable networking system - not only they will be in touch with a world-class faculty, but will also share this experience with diverse businesses and have a shared-learning path.
The participants will receive a participation certificate from Iscte Executive Education as long as they meet the required attendance.
Interested in finding out more? Consult the brochure and if you prefer to speak with an advisor, do go ahead and schedule a session; we will be happy to contribute to your best possible decision.
_ Family business' senior officials or managers, whether they belong or not to the family.
This course shall have between a minimum of 15 and maximum of 25 participants.
The tuition for each participant is 1470€ + IVA.
This amount includes the author's book, the required learning material, coffee-breaks and lunch in the closing cerimony held to distribute the certificates.
Membership businesses of AEF - Associação das Empresas Familiares or AIP – Associação Industrial Portuguesa, will benefit from non-cumulative 10% discount, as well as those who enroll 2 to 3 participants.
Family businesses who enroll 3 participants will benefit from a 1 hour session with the faculty for analysis and discussion of a particular issue in their organization.
In order to avoid disrupting the shared-learning experience in different work groups, no more than 3 participants per organization will be permitted.
Garantimos o cumprimento de todas as regras de segurança nas nossas instalações, comprovada pela atribuição do selo do ISQ