Social Responsibility


Can we help?_

We want to give back to society and we do so through practices and behaviours that emphasize human and social dimensions. Thus, by social responsibility we mean internal and external voluntary practices and behaviours that promote well-being, especially when linked to our areas of intervention: training, education, skill-building, preparation for the world of work and organisational life.


Fundação Manuel Violante

Iscte Executive Education is a partner of Fundação Manuel Violante (FMV), a portuguese organization that searches for excelence in managing social economy, with the mission of finding the best solutions in order to solve the main issues in social management.

The presentation of the final projects of our partnership's first edition took place in december 2021. 

Find out more about Fundação Manuel Violante.

WhatsApp Image 2021-12-16 at 16.33.35-1

Acts of Solidarity

Executive MBA 21/23

This is a project developed by the Executive MBA 21/23 class, with the support of the Iscte Executive Education community.
Together we gathered:
183 kg worth of food;
7,5 kg worth of electronic devices;
66 kg worth of toys;
65 kg worth of clothes;
100€ of donations to the portuguese organization Banco Alimentar.
Our participants are proud of taking the matter of Social Responsibility into their own hands and said that this will be "the first of many" volunteering actions they will be involved in. 

Christmas Fundraising 2022_

The Executive MBA 21/23 class joined to challenge our community to help raise funds to renovate Casa do Infantado, one of Associação CrescerSer's apartments in Lisbon, an organization that strives to support and promote children and young people's rights and help them achieve their life goals. In order to provide a safe environment for the 12 children that currently live in this apartment, we need to renovate the bathrooms, kitchen and flooring.

We are very proud to experience and support these initiatives that our students have - it is very fulfilling to see their need to give back to society, to feel that our mission is shared by our community.

#IEECommunityTakesAction: Find out more here.

Executive MBA 19/21

2020 ended with the achievement of the goal of 15 000€, raised in order to help the portuguese organization Associação Casa Acreditar.

This initiative first started in the Ethics and Social Sustainability module of the 2019/2021 Executive MBA class.

Find out more about this project.


Donations to Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro

We celebrated our students' achievements for the past two years in our 2021 final Graduation event. It was a night full of celebration and surprises, a night where we were able to meet again and greet each other with a smile. Before the event started, everyone took a Covid-19 test and the amount reverted in donations to Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro, a portuguese association fighting cancer.
We thank everyone for being there and contributing to this relevant cause, which also helped making this event safe and Covid-19 free.

Associação Girl MOVE

Virgínia Coutinho


Virgínia Coutinho was a teacher and a Social Media & Digital Marketing Consultant. In order to show her passion for this field, she decided to share her knowledge and taught and coordinated Digital Maketing courses. 
Regarding Iscte Executive Education, Virgínia created and coordinated our Post-Graduate course in Applied Digital Marketing in 2019, a partnership with Lisbon Digital School, a program that made a lot of success due to its practical component. 
Before passing, Virgínia created the Virgínia Coutinho Donation Fund through Associação Girl Move, a portuguese organization whose mission is to help creating a new generation of empowered women in Mozambique - more specifically through the mentoring project Tech4Good. This donation fund will help young women in Mozambique, a country that she always loved.
Due to being the founder of our Post-Graduate program, Iscte Executive Education attributes an award with her name in order to value the best group of students of the post-graduate program in Applied Digital Marketing. This award constitutes a donation to our participants, as well as to Associação Girl Move.
You can donate to Associação Girl Move Portugal through the following bank number: IBAN:PT50003300004548587001605.

Associação WU | We Help Ukraine

In the 21st century, we cannot tolerate that wars and human rights' violations continue to emerge. 
Unfortunately, our world is very far from peace. All wars matter and we want to do our parte for every human being that are thrown between these conflicts against their will and see their fundamental rights being destroyed. 
We introduce We Help Ukraine, an organization that started in Portugal on february 26th 2022. It has already gathered a lot of people and organizations to manage the platform, which will work as an "Airbnb" to find and allocate housing, medicine and job offers to the refugees seeking help. 

This platform has the potential to be an important piece in these difficult times for all of the Ucrainian people. From Portugal to the world, we count on you to help making the difference in the life of people who are just like us. 


Would you like to help us grow?

You can donate to Iscte Executive Education: we thank you for your help.

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