MBA in Sustainable Management

Do you want to drive impactful change with a sustainability guided purpose?_

A program entirely created from scratch to provide a unique way to combine a strong, scientific and practical component in the areas of management and sustainability. Aiming to contribute and to provide an answer to problems of a varied and increasingly interconnected nature, which are faced by managers, executives, and professionals responsible for making decisions in this context. Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, this program aims at contributing to organizations and business moving the 2030 Agenda forward.

MBA Diploma

Starting in September | 18 months

6 p.m - 10 p.m | Monday to Thursday



14.000€ (EU students) 17.000€ (non-EU students)

Training Area





Why choose the MBA in Sustainable Management?_

Responsible Leadership development

By integrating responsible management principles, this program promotes skills needed in the increasingly complex and evolving global context of the 21st century with growing sustainability concerns.

Holistic and critical view of management

Promotes a holistic and critical vision of the integration of sustainability in the way organisations are strategically and operationally managed. To do so, the program is based on solid theoretical and practical background on the core management areas through the lens of sustainability. 


The members of the staff are highly qualified and experienced academics with relevant experience. Throughout the program, participants have contact with international reference academics and experienced practitioners that will help stimulate participants intellectually for high level discussions.

International study-trip

Includes an experience at the Rennes School of Business with in-class lectures and company visits.

International environment

International training offer in the field of organisational management in a context of growing sustainability concerns by developing on students interdisciplinary professional skills on sustainability

Workshops, seminars, meetings, and events

Entails a set of extracurricular workshops, seminars, meetings, and events that promote a critical sense and a more sustainability-oriented mindset by questioning and exploring values, civic and ethical principles, as well as assumptions that inform personal and professional decision-making.


Promotes networking opportunities with a diversified group of participants, in terms of academic background, professional experience, roles performed and industries, as well as lecturers and professionals in the area.

State of the Art

Develops an interdisciplinary approach to management and sustainability knowledge and skills, complemented with the provision of a set of initiatives that promote a sustainability mindset and the capacity for critical reflection in the latest trends.

Download brochure and schedule a meeting_

Do you want to change your life? Consult the brochure, should you wish to talk to an advisor, kindly schedule a session and we will be happy to help you make the best possible decision



Ready to start your application?



For whom?_

For professionals coming from any area, that have over 3 years of working experience, including:

Professionals willing to use systemic thinking to address highly complex issues, to share knowledge and learning from peers, and to drive impactful change guided by a purpose towards a more sustainable world.

Managers of companies and organisations already working in the field of sustainability and executives who wish to integrate sustainability into the way organisations are managed at strategic and operational level looking for a holistic view of sustainability to be prepared for the demanding challenges faced by organizations and the society towards a more sustainable world.



Year 1

  • Sustainable Business Strategy 

    Data Science for Sustainability 

    Marketing and Sustainability

    Economics and Sustainability

    Optional Course 1

    Optional Course 2

    Human Resource Management and Sustainability

    Sustainable Finance

    Sustainable operations and logistics

    Sustainability Accounting

    Optional Course 3

    Optional Course 4


    Optional Courses (1&2)

    Governing for sustainability

    Systemic thinking for sustainability

    Entrepreneurship for Sustainability

    Optional Courses (3&4)

    Sustainable Business Transformation in the Digital Era

    Leadership for Sustainability

    Circular Economy

Year 2

  • Applied Project in Sustainability


Alumni ISCTE Executive Education and ISCTE-IUL: - 5%

Club Member Alumni: -5%

Prompt payment: -5%

Tuition fee_

14.000€ (EU students): 12.000 (Year 1) + 2.000 (Year 2)
17.000 (non-EU Students): 15.000 (Year 1) + 2.000 (Year 2)

This value includes:
_Acess to do ISCTE-IUL library;
_Acess to ISCTE-IUL VPN ;
_Participation in Welcome Day;
_Travel and stay in the study trip;

Line of Financing_

Caixa Geral de Depósitos and Millenniumbcp, two of the founders of ISCTE Executive Education, offer special conditions for financing participants and alumni.

Consult the credit conditions in:

Successful applicants who have not yet obtained confirmation of their bank financing at the time of registration may complete their registration by submitting a statement of the loan application.


Registration fee - 100 €

Application fee - 325 €

Application fee Date Percentage
1st Installment Upon Registration 10%
2nd Installment October 2023 5%
3rd Installment November 2023 7,5%
4th Installment December 2023 7,5%
5th Installment January 2024 7,5%
6th Installment February 2024 7,5%
7th Installment March 2024 7,5%
8th Installment April 2024 7,5%
9th Installment May 2024 10%
10th Installment June 2024 7,5%
11th Installment July 2024 7,5%
12th Installment August 2024 7,5%
13th Installment September 2024 7,5%

(*) Maximum cumulative discount of 20%, including special conditions, to be reflected in the last installment(s).


Stages            Dates
1st Stage 1st of September until 30th of September
2nd Stage 1st of October until 31th of October
3rd Stage 1st of November until 31th of January
4th Stage

1st of December until 28th of February

5th Stage

1st of January until 31th of March



Accreditations, affiliations, and rankings_