Vinay Pranjivan

Vinay Pranjivan

Vinay Pranjivan

Degree's in Economics from ISEG-Lisbon (1998) and a Master's degree in Business Economics and Competition from ISCTE - Business School (2017). Consultant and expert in financial services, consumer protection, financial literacy, financial inclusion and innovation, with 20 years' experience in these subjects. He began his career in 1998 in a retail bank, working in different companies and sectors. Her focus on consumer financial protection began in 2005, and includes a period at the European Banking Authority in London between 2013 and 2016.

He currently works as a Senior Economist for DECO - Portuguese Association for Consumer Defence, following financial services issues from a consumer perspective. He follows the development of European and national regulations, including directives and regulations relating to payments, accounts, credits, as well as the creation of the Digital Euro, financial innovation and the impact of digitalisation. He is a Visiting Associate Professor at Nova SBE, and a trainer at DECO and the EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy (EU-SDFA) at the European University Institute - Florence. He is a member of 2 European Commission Expert Groups, FSUG and PSMEG, and 2 Stakeholders Groups of the European Supervisory Authorities (EBA BSG and EIOPA IRSG).