Teresa Eugénio

Teresa Eugénio

Teresa Eugénio

Teresa has a PhD in Management with specialization in accounting from Iscte-Iul, a master's degree in Management Sciences from Iscte-Iul and a bachelor's degree in Accounting and Financial Administration from ISCAL.

She is currently an assistant lecturer at Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria in the accounting and audit fields. She has been taking several administration responsabilities, such as the coordination of the Economy and Management Department and of the Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Finance. She has been working with several universities, being a lecturer and speaker in many master's degrees and PhD's regarding Accounting and Audit for Sustainability. Teresa is a member of the Centro de Investigação em Gestão para a Sustentabilidade (IPL) and representing Portugal in CSEAR – Centro de Investigação em Contabilidade Social e Ambiental of the St. Andrews University (UK). She is also a member of the technical committee for Social Responsability at OROC - Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas.