Renato Lopes da Costa

Renato Lopes da Costa

Renato Lopes da Costa

Renato has professional experience in the banking and retail fields, having also a PhD in General Management, Strategy and Corporate Development from Iscte-Iul. He has published several books and articles in both national and international editors, as well as management magazines in the Middle East, USA, Canada, Africa, South America and Portugal. He is currently a researcher at BRU-UNIDE and professor at Iscte-Iul, where he leads master's thesis, DBA and PhD and teaches Corporate Strategy, Knowledge Management and Organizational Culture. Since 2013 he has been coordinating the Knowledge Management and Training module, in partnership with the Miliary in the Leadership Master's Degree, being also a corporate strategy professor at Iscte Executive Education in Executive Master's and Post-Graduate courses.