Paulo Finuras

Paulo Finuras

Paulo Finuras

Guest Associate Professor at ISG - Business & Economics School of Lisbon and Invited Prof. at ISCTE-IUL Executive Education. I'm Owner of PF Lda. Training & Consulting firm. I'm also Licensee of Hofstede Model since 1999, for Portugal and Africa. My training and research is focus on Cultural Intelligence & Intercultural Management ©; Building the Trust Factor in Leadership; Political Science; Biopolitics; EvoPsychology; Evolution & Human Social Behaviour.
I hold a PhD. in Political Science (UL, 2013), an Executive MBA in Global Management (UI, 1999), and a License Degree in Sociology from the ISCTE-IUL (1990), Lisbon. 

I try to guide leaders and managers through my research, writing, mentoring and workshops to discover the evolutionary origins of human behaviour and it's consequences for leadership. As Intercultural expert, I have over 25 years of experience of consulting and training in a range of private and public organisations in different countries and regions worldwide. Throughout my career, I have worked and research on Intercultural Leadership and Communication as well as in The Trust Factor & Culture Differences.