Nuno Antunes

Nuno Antunes

Nuno Antunes

Business Partner of the Milford advertising agency and Lecturer at Iscte Executive Education, teaching various subjects in the world of Marketing. He has a degree in Management from the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão and a post-graduate degree in Marketing and International Business from ISCTE Executive Education. 

He has been in the Marketing and Advertising field for over 20 years, always on the agency side, having previously held management positions in some of the most important global communication networks operating in Portugal: he was Digital and Integration Director at JWT, Managing Director at Havas Digital & Entertainment and Managing Director at Proximity Portugal (BBDO Group). 

He has participated in various industry associations, having been a board member of the IAB, ACEPI and AMD and of the APAP Relationship Marketing Council. He has been a jury member at various national and international festivals, including Cannes Lions, El OJO and Echo Awards USA.

He lives with his family in the middle of pine trees, near the beach and in reality all he needs is a Golden Retriever to do justice to the advertising films that have the habit of presenting the cliché family. He enjoys cooking and having a full house, but tries to compensate for the forbidden calories by fighting for his life in Ironman-type races. However, it seems that Sporting makes him suffer even more.