Miguel Muñoz Duarte

Miguel Muñoz Duarte

Miguel Muñoz Duarte

Miguel Muñoz Duarte is an entrepreneurship professor at NOVA SBE and executive manager at the entrepreneurship and innovation centre at Nova SBE Venture Lab.

He was a fast-paced consumer goods Marketeer. He worked at Henkel (detergents and cosmetics for consumers) and at Danone (dairy products). He has over 10 years of experience as a brand and marketing manager in Portugal, Spain, USA and Mexico, where he was also Latam's innovation manager. He became an entrepreneur in 2005, after returning from Mexico, having founded various organizations ever since. His main and actual company is Imatch (http://imatch.pt/en), a small innovation and creativity consultancy, having worked with big corporations such as BMW, Santander, Barclays, McDonald's, L'Óreal, Danone, Nestlé, Pepsico, Lays, Vichy, Roche, Vodafone, NOS, PT, CGD, TAP, among others. 

Miguel is the coordinator of a startup competition called VODAFONE BIG SMART CITIES alongside with Lisbon's Municipality Centre and Vodafone, being this a competition where several teams of entrepreneurs compete in order to create a technological strategy to improve life in the city. He is also the founder of a non-profitable series of events, IGNITE portugal, having organized over 70 events since 2009 all across the country, with over 1200 speakers and their 5 min pitches (20 slides in 20 secunds each). These events have reached a total of over 10.000 people live and over 250.000 people remotely.