Manuel Castelo Branco

Manuel Castelo Branco

Manuel Castelo Branco

Manuel is an assistant professor at Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto (FEP.UP) and lecturer at Porto Business School. He was also a lecturer at Universidade de Aveiro in 2004. Manuel finished his PhD in Corporate Science from Universidade do Minho in 2007, with the thesis “Essays on Corporate Social Responsibility and Disclosure”.

Manuel is a member of the Investigation on Fraud Group, at Surrey University and OBEGEF - Observatório de Economia e Gestão da Fraude. His primary research interests are related to corporate fraud, ethics and social responsability, finance report and non-finance report. His area of teaching is focused on accounting and corporate social responsability. His research papers have been published internationally, in magazines such as Journal of Business Ethics,  Journal of Cleaner Production and British Accounting Review.