José Américo Rebelo

José Américo Rebelo

José Américo Rebelo

Relevant experience in Management Systems, namely Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001), Environmental Management (ISO 14001), Occupational Health and Safety Management (ISO 45001), Energy Management (ISO 50001), Asset Management (ISO 55001), Sustainable Urban Development Management (ISO 37101 / ISO 37102), from consultancy to implementation, training and auditing.

In this field, the company also currently participates in the following Technical Committees under the IPQ - Instituto Português da Qualidade / APQ - Associação Portuguesa para a Qualidade:
- Energy Technical Committee CT-184, for the development of national standardisation in the field of energy efficiency;
- Technical Committee CT-224 Sustainable Cities and Communities (Sustainable Urban Development Management).

Manager and Technical Director at P3G, Lda.
Independent Management Systems Auditor and Trainer at SGS-SSC