João Filipe Torneiro

João Filipe Torneiro

João Filipe Torneiro

Over two decades of experience at Galp, where he leaded the marketing departament and business development and managed several companies. Previously, João leaded commercial and engineering teams (such as the GNL terminal in Sines), gas pipelines construction projects and UAG's. Worked as a project engineer in the building of OGMA and started his professional activity as a sales naval officer.

Recently finished his "Executive Scholar Certificate" at Kellogg School of Management and his training includes post-graduate degrees in leadership, management and strategy (London Business School, INSEAD, ISCTE e Universidade Católica). Has a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering (IST) and in naval machines engineering (Escola Náutica IDH). 

Is currently working as an invited professor in several universities, has been publishing papers and being an invited speakers in several international conferences in customer centricity, customer loyalty, digital marketing, leadership, innovation, project management, energy and mobility.