Helena de Oliveira Isidro

Helena de Oliveira Isidro

Helena de Oliveira Isidro

Helena has a PhD in Accounting and Finance (Lancaster University, United Kingdom). She is currently an Associate Professor in the Accounting Department at Iscte, having lectured and developed research in Cass Business School (United Kingdom), Sydney University (Australia) and University of Miami (USA).

Helena's specialization fields are international accounting, the voluntary disclosure of information, financial reporting and capital market. She is also a member of international organs, being a member of the scientific board of the European Accounting Association and EFRAG – European Financial Reporting Advisory Group. Helena also participants in many international research projects and has published several scientific essays, being featured in magazines like European Accounting Review,Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, Internacional Journal of Accounting and the Journal of Business Ethics. She is also a part of the editorial board of several scientific magazines, including European Accounting Review, and has won many international awards, such as the best PhD thesis in Management in Europe and the best essay in the 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference.

Helena has recently gained an investigation scholarship by Fulbright foundation to USA.