Gonçalo Pernas

Gonçalo Pernas

Gonçalo Pernas

Degree in Human Resources Management by ULHT. Master in Business Management by ISCTE-IUL. PhD student in Social Sciences (specialization in Socioeconomic Development) at ISCSP. Professor at ISCTE-IUL since 2004, where he is currently Assistant Professor, teaching and coordinating various Entrepreneurship courses in the 1st and 2nd cycles of the ISCTE Business School.

He also teaches and coordinates courses in the areas of Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainability. He has also participated in several studies and has published several non-scientific articles on CSR and Entrepreneurship, having an active presence in Congresses in these areas. He is currently Vice-President of Audax - Entrepreneurship Center of ISCTE and member of the Board of Ciriec Portugal - Center for Studies on Public and Social Economics.