César Lima

César Lima

César Lima

César Lima is Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL). His research focuses on the psychology and neurobiology of vocal communication, emotion, and music. He addresses these topics by combining experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience approaches, in healthy individuals of all ages, in specialised populations (e.g., musicians), and in clinical populations (e.g., with neurological and psychiatric disorders).

He has published over 45 peer-reviewed articles in journals including Emotion Review, Cerebral Cortex, Brain, Current Biology, Trends in Neurosciences, and Nature Reviews Neuroscience. César Lima is on the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports (category Neuroscience) and Royal Society Open Science (category Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience). He has been invited to review papers for journals such as Psychological Bulletin, American Psychologist, NeuroImage, or Nature Human Behavior, and grant applications for the Leverhulme Trust, Royal Society, Czech Science Foundation and Swiss National Science Foundation.

At Iscte, he teaches Psychophysiology and Genetics, Neuropsychology, Reasoning and Language, Biological Basis of Emotions, and Advances in Affective Neurosciences. He is also the current director of the MSc in Emotion Sciences.