Bruno Horta Soares

Bruno Horta Soares

Bruno Horta Soares

Bruno Horta Soares has over 20 years of experience in consulting and audit, with special interest in Digital Transformation, Governance, Management, Risk and Technology and Information Safety, having worked with some of the main players in Portugal, Angola, Cape Verde and Mozambique. 

He is currently actively working with local and international business hubs, sucuh as IDC Portugal, being Leading Executive Advisor since 2015. Academically, Bruno is an assistant professor at Coimbra Business School, Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics, Porto Business School, ISEG- Lisbon School of Economics & Management, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Europeia, NOVA IMS, NOVA SBE, ISCTE Executive Education, IPAM e Instituto Português de Corporate Governance.

Bruno is the founder and past-president of ISACA Lisbon Chapter, having worked in several professional associations and being a speaker in several conferences and local and international seminaries. In 2019, he received the ISACA Global Achievement John Kuyers Award for Best Speaker.

Bruno has a bachelor's degree in IT and Corporate Management at Iscte, post-graduate degree in Project Management at ISLA and several international certifications in Project Management, Audit, Governance, Risk, Safety and LEGOs.