Member of the Executive Committee of Iscte Executive Education since 2018.
PhD in Management from Iscte-IUL. Associate Professor with tenure at ISCTE-IUL.
Director of the postgraduate programmes in Corporate Finance and Control and Management Control and Strategy Execution at Iscte Executive Education.
She has worked as a consultant for various companies in the area of management control.
She has been teaching executive training at Iscte Executive Education since 1997. She has co-authored several books in the areas of management control and accounting. She is the author of several scientific articles published in leading journals.
She has been Director of several Executive Masters and specialisation programmes at Iscte Executive Education, namely the Executive Masters in Management Control and Performance (2013-19) and Corporate Finance and Control (2006-14). She was director of the Accounting Master's programme at Iscte-IUL's School of Management (2012-17). She was deputy director of IBS - Iscte Business School.
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