Amaro Jorge

Amaro Jorge

Amaro Jorge

  • Law Graduate, Lawyer, CP 1057C;
  • Specialization in Corporate Law from the Portuguese Bar Association.
  • Invited lecturer at Iscte
  • Coacher of Corporate Law in the Centro de Estágio do CRCOA
  • President of the jury committee of oral trials in order to access the Portuguese Bar Association between  1997 and 2013;
  • President of CRCOA from 2014 to 2016;
  • President of the General Portuguese-Brasilian Association of Labour Legal Experts (Jutra), from CRCOA, between 2009 and 2011, and of its Portuguese Board from 2012 to 2014; currently, he is its General Treasurer 
  • Portuguese Bar Association Representative in the Coimbra's County Advisory Board in 2017/2019;
  • President at Advocal, Associação Artística do Distrito Judicial de Coimbra e Fadvocal, from CRCOA;
  • Graced with the honor badge from Portuguese Bar Association
  • Speaker on labour themes in several seminars, encounters and conferences in Portugal, Brasil and Macau
  • Several articles published in known magazines in Portugal and Brasil.