Abílio Oliveira

Abílio Oliveira

Abílio Oliveira

Assistant Professor on the Department of Information Science and Technology (DCTI-ISTA). Degree in Information Systems and Computer Engineering. MD in Social Psychology and PhD in Social Psychology. Researcher at Information Sciences, Technologies and Architecture Research Center (ISTAR-IUL). Involved in projects related to applied computing, gamification, technology acceptance, cybercultures, information society, information systems, technologies and education, adolescence, childhood, music, education and learning, suicide prevention, virtual communities and social networks. Member of some scientific Associations, such as, Centre for Studies in Suicide and Portuguese Society of Suicidology. In short, he focuses his work in data science and applied computing to the study of human behavior, in different contexts. He is also author of many scientific papers, book chapters, and some books, namely, ‘O Desafio da Morte’ (The Challenge of Death), Ilusions in the Age of Emotions’, or 'O Desafio da Vida' (The Challenge of Life). He has participated in several scientific events, and other actions toward the community. He has also participated in radio programs, has always enjoyed playing sports, advocates a sustainable world and a healthy life, being vegetarian.