Advanced Program - Inteligência Artificial para Gestão

Empower Business AI_

In today's competitive landscape, AI has become a fundamental tool for improving decision-making and operational efficiency. A postgraduate programme in AI is essential due to the pace at which new developments appear on the market, the growing demand for professionals in this area, the potential for transforming companies' competitiveness and, of course, the implications in terms of management mindset and ethical framework. A programme of this nature provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in this rapidly evolving area. Change the future of your organisation with this postgraduate course, an asset in the path of anyone who wants to boost success through Artificial Intelligence tools.

Advanced Program | Post-graduate

May to October | 6 months

Tue & Thu | 6:30pm - 10:30pm




1st phase of application | 15% discount

Training Area

Why choose this postgraduate course_

Current content

The subject is extremely recent in terms of its applicability to company management. The modules proposed throughout the training programme reflect the latest trends in this area, in parallel with the topics that have the most impact on managers' day-to-day lives. The format of the content will have a direct applicability to the management of the participating students' companies.




Learning focussed on the presentation of the main models and methodologies applied to AI, accompanied by the exploration of Practical Cases that explore the real application of the new tools available to managers.

Real Life Master Classes on AI

The programme will feature Master Classes with company leaders who are facing the challenge of implementing and using Artificial Intelligence in their company, and will allow direct interaction with managers who are using innovative AI methodologies and tools in their day-to-day work.




In an area of knowledge that is growing exponentially, there are few professionals who currently share know-how in this area. Networking will indeed be an attractive factor in this sector.


Expertise of the teaching staff

One of the main attractions is undoubtedly the excellent teaching staff. In such an innovative and recent field, there are few teachers who have the necessary academic skills and technical and functional knowledge to add value to the participants. We have endeavoured to bring together the most experienced and reputable of our teaching staff.

Growing demand for professionals with AI skills

With the increasing adoption of AI in business management, there is a growing demand for professionals who have the knowledge and skills to implement and manage AI solutions. A programme of this nature will train professionals to address companies' day-to-day challenges and equip managers with the best practices on the market.

Immersive weekend

This postgraduate course is a training programme that covers the various perspectives on the application of AI in company management and culminates in an immersive weekend in which Artificial Intelligence tools are applied to a specific business case.

Find out more about the programme and book a meeting_

Interested in finding out more?


Shall we start the application?

To Whom?_

_Company managers looking to increase their competitiveness and optimise their operations.

_Company CEOs to understand the impact these tools can have on their activities.

_Marketing managers looking for new tools to be more competitive.

_Operations managers looking for solutions to reduce costs, improve the customer experience and increase operational efficiency.

_Sales managers who want to increase their sales performance by using new tools that give them greater competitive advantages.



  • Module #0: Warm Up - The current digital context and Artificial Intelligence
  • Module #1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • Module #2: AI and business strategy
  • Module #3: AI principles and tools in companies
  • Module #4: AI information management - Big Data and Small Data (SMEs)
  • Module #5: Machine Learning applied to companies
  • Module #6: Natural Language Processing
  • Module #7: Ethical, Legal and Governance Contours in AI
  • Module #8: AI Applications in Marketing
  • Module #9: AI Applications in Business Operations
  • Module #10: Applications of AI in Sales
  • Module #11: AI Applications in Human Resources Management
  • Module #12: Applied Artificial Intelligence Design

Tuition Fee_

Payment Schedule_

Application fee - 100€
Registration fee - 190€

Payment Schedule Date Percentage
1st Installment Upon registration 25%
2nd Installment June 2025 15%
3rd Installment July 2025 15%
4th Installment August  2025 15%
5th Installment September 2025 15%
6th Installment October 2025 15%

(*) Maximum cumulative discount of 20%, including special conditions, to be reflected in the last installment(s).


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Executive education
master in management
Project Management Institute