The Global Master in Applied Psychology bridges teaching in management and organizational development as it will provide unique insights into how people are motivated and react to psychological stimuli. From entrepreneurs, managers of medium- sized companies or large corporations and human resource managers, one of the key challenges in the 2020’s is to influence behaviours, obtain maximum cooperation and dedication and build a sense of belonging. All three of these are associated with more productive, profitable, and sustainable organizations. Learning leadership and management and then complementing those with a set of sociology and psychology teachings will boost your confidence when dealing and managing others.
Global Master Certificate
50 hours | January 2022 to March
Day time lectures | During week days
Training Area
Online or Offline
If you want to be a new type of organizational leader or manager you need to gain insights from applied psychology because organizations are run by people. Then this short course can help you. The ability to mobilize human resources depends highly on understanding their motivations and emotions. Organizational issues are better dealt with insights from sociology of organizations and psycology of decision-making now and increasingly into the future.
Focused topics that integrate management leadership and applied organizational psycology. Easy to follow Online Classes, active and ongoing comunication with professors and sharing of additional educational materials.
Faculty body with a strong reputation with proven experience in key areas of specialization. Faculty chosen has extensive experience in teaching chinese and other international students, both online and face-to-face.
Interaction, discussions, sharing and learning with other participants and teachers. Social media support will be used to stimulate knowledge sharing after the course has been finished.
All professionals in the health sector with a vested interest in management;
Public Health and Population Health Professionals in China;
Senior to intermediate health management positions/jobs;
Entrepreneurs and Small to medium-sized managers/ human resource Managers;
Students with solid backgrounds in psychology and present or future managers of psychology clinics;
Leaders in social intervention programs, teachers and community managers.
We only work directly with Enofap in the chinese market, so our programmes are the ones included in our homepage. We work with Hongding Education via Enofap.
We do not work directly with other agencies in China so our programs are the ones included in our webpage. Thank you.
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