ymca principal-site

Learning by Doing_

Boost individual competences in context of organizational change and development. Innovating through the intervention and reflexion on the added value and the impact of our action Implementing projects, intervene in the organizational change and development of a learning organization.
At the end of this course, participants should be able to: diagnose an organization; design an organizational development project; implement an organizational development project; evaluate the ongoing impact of the project in multi-criteria dimensions.

Professional Master | Partner Program



September 2022 to September 2023 | 13 months


In person: Monday to Friday on one week in September 2022, on January 2023 and September 2023

Online: to be designated 

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Training Area
Civil Society Organizations




In person | Online

What sets the program apart?_


It gives the participants an increase in knowledge and effectiveness in the civic world (present and future), as well as exponentially increases their capacity to manage their organization, leading the participant to build a practical action plan customized to their needs and the needs of their organization.


Why choose this Course?_

Plan of Action

84 hours, face to face workshops (3 weeks * 28 hours- September 2022, January 2023 and September 2023).

49 hours for lectures online for all the participants (average 7 hours per month * 7 months).

Each participant will carry out a project to enhance the service developed by the organization.

7 hours (minimum) of tutorial sessions, online, to support each participant in the development of their project (individually or in very small groups, 2-4 participants)

Total 140 hours for each participant


Up-to-date Content

To improve the effectiveness of CSOs requires the adoption of a generalized learning mindset (individuals, organizations, communities) and related practices.

Promoting the effectiveness of these organizations can be enhanced by managing the identity of these organizations (core, enduring, and distinctive characteristics).

This requires the development of leadership identity as both a source and a consequence of organizational identity development.


Simultaneously improve individual and organizational capabilities by performing projects and innovating the way of doing things.

To learn from the evaluation and reflexion about previous and ongoing experience: individual and organizational learning as a joint processes.

Faculty Expertise

Its faculty includes some of the most experienced and reputable professionals in the social area.

Shall we start the application?

To whom?_

Volunteers and Staff of YMCA, YWCA and other Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).

Those who want to build their career in the civil society sector.

Those who seek how to professionalise their approach in voluntary organisations.

Those who want systematic knowledge in the area of CSOs.



