Javier Rementería

Javier Rementería

Javier Rementería

Javier Ferrero Álvarez-Rementería works as CIO for the Andalusian Agency for Healthcare Quality, a public foundation of the Health Department of Andalusia to promote and develop quality and patient safety policies. He coordinates the Andalusian mHealth strategy, being responsible of the App certification program ( www.calidadappsalud.com/en ) and the deployment of mhealth integration projects with the eHR. He is the director of the European mHealth Innovation and Knowledge hub (https://mhealth-hub.org ), a joint collaboration with WHO and ITU, funded by EC. Master Degree in Telecommunication Engineering (Seville, Spain) and Master in Networks and Telecom (Lyon, France), has 20 years of experience in IT. Previously he worked for Schlumberger T&T in Paris, and for an international engineering company (Telvent, Abengoa) in Seville. He also served at the Pablo Olavide University in Seville as professor in e-commerce specialization.

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