Helder Mota Filipe

Helder Mota Filipe

Helder Mota Filipe

Professor Helder Mota-Filipe is Associate Professor, Social Pharmacy, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade de Lisboa, and Executive Member of the National Ethics Committee for Clinical Research. He works as expert for the European Medicines Agency(EMA), was vice-president (2005-2015) and president (2015-2016) of INFARMED IP. He researches on novel innovative therapeutic approaches for human diseases in the areas of shock, sepsis and inflammation. Areas of research include neuroprotection for transient focal cerebral ischemia, new targets for the modulation of acute lung injury, inflammatory bowel disease or pharmacological interventions on ischemia-reperfusion injury and dysfunction. Mota-Filipe is also interested on the application of its research in early stages of drug discovery programs. More recently, Mota-Filipe is also interested on the study of health policy measures and its contribution for a more cost-effective use of medicines and other health technologies.

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