Ana Madureira

Ana Madureira

Ana Madureira

Ana Madureira was born in Moçambique, in 1969. She got his BSc degree in Computer Engineering in 1993 from ISEP, Master degree in Electrical and Computers Engineering–Industrial Informatics, in 1996, from FEUP, and the PhD degree in Production and Systems, in 2003, from University of Minho, Portugal. She became IEEE Senior Member in 2010. She had been Chair of IEEE Portugal Section (2015-2017), Vice-chair of IEEE Portugal Section (2011-2014) and Chair/Vice-Chair of IEEE-CIS Portuguese chapter. She was Chair of University Department of IEEE R8 Educational Activities Sub-Committee (2017-2018). She was IEEE R8 Secretary (2019-2020). She is External Member Evaluation Committee of the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education - A3ES (Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior) for the scientific area of Informatics of Polytechnic Higher Education (2012- ). Currently she is Coordinator Professor at the Institute of Engineering– Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP/IPP) and Director of the Interdisciplinary Studies Research Center (ISRC). In the last few years, she was author of more than 150 scientific papers in scientific conference proceedings, journals and books. Mains research interests: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science/Data Engineering, Machine Learning/Deep Learning, Optimization Techniques, Meta-Heuristics.

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